Tips and Tricks for the Solo Explorer

Tips and Tricks for the Solo Explorer

Embarking on a solo adventure can be an incredibly rewarding experience. However, it’s important to remember to prioritize safety. In this article, we’ll offer some valuable tips for the enterprising solo explorer.

Whether you’re looking for extreme adventures, cultural immersion, or serene escapes, the world is full of opportunities for the independent traveler. Check out these tips and tricks to make the most of your journey.

1. Research Your Destination

Research is essential to creating a fruitful and enjoyable travel experience. It allows you to avoid tourist traps, learn about local culture, and even practice basic phrases before your trip.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do your research on the go. From chatting with other travelers on travel forums to watching YouTube videos of your destination, there are endless resources available at your fingertips.

Another great way to learn about your destination is to read travel blogs. They offer first-hand accounts of other travelers’ experiences and can give you a taste of what to expect from your trip. If you don’t have time to read, try following government agencies on Twitter for updated travel, risk, and safety information.

2. Stay Connected With Loved Ones

While physical distancing is recommended due to the Coronavirus pandemic, you don’t need to isolate yourself from your loved ones. In fact, staying connected is more important than ever.

Check in with your loved ones on a regular basis to let them know you are thinking of them. Use social media to share pictures and videos to give them a sense of your travels.

Send postcards, handwritten letters or even care packages to show them that you miss them. It’s a small gesture that can go a long way in keeping your connection strong. Try to schedule regular phone calls and virtual visits so that your loved ones have something to look forward to.

3. Stay Safe

The best way to stay safe as an explorer is to be familiar with your surroundings. This means examining the area, learning about the laws and culture of the place, and even taking part in Urban Exploration (UE) to explore abandoned buildings like factories, sewers, hospitals, and more.

It’s also important to let someone know where you are going each day and when you expect to be back. This can help in case something goes wrong and you need to get home quickly or are in a dangerous situation. This is especially true for explorers who venture alone. Check in with a loved one or trusted friend before each trip.

4. Plan Your Route

There are countless places in the world that have never been explored before. It takes a lot of dedication and knowledge to be an explorer.

Before exploring, make sure you research the laws and regulations in place regarding your destination. Also, be 100% sure that the location is actually abandoned. If not, you may be trespassing.

Urban Exploration is a fun way to learn about a city’s history and culture. It involves exploring abandoned and forgotten sites such as factories, tunnels, sewers, churches, and hospitals. These types of locations require more advanced equipment and are for more experienced explorers. They can be dangerous and should only be undertaken with the help of a guide.

6. Find Your Passion

There’s no shortage of advice out there that says “follow your passion!” You’ve probably heard it from well-meaning family members, guidance counselors, Disney movies, and online motivational speakers with volume control issues. But, the truth is that finding your passion requires a lot of soul-searching.

Start by journaling for two days about the things that captivate you and energize you. Look for themes, patterns, and areas of commonality.

Ideally, your passion will be linked to work you’re good at (your talents) and that creates results you care about deeply (your mission). Be sure to consider how this career fits into your life outside of work.

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